2. We are convinced that each action must bring one closer to the purpose. Having arrived at work, we focus on tens of urgent matters. But while dealing with them, the main thing should not be forgotten. Each project has a purpose and each task has a result. We are result-oriented and respect this determination in our colleagues.
3. We like that the result depends on each of us.
Our work is similar to a relay race in which each participant makes his or her contribution to the common cause. In case of difficulties, we will help our colleague leaving blamestorming until later. Each can show one’s worth at his or her own stage but the main thing is our common victory.
4. We remember that each of us builds the Company's image.
It takes years to build a good reputation but several minutes to ruin it. While communicating with colleagues and friends, partners and clients, we remember that the Company's image is the reflection of our words, actions and decisions.
5. We remember that each of us builds the Company's image.
It takes years to build a good reputation but several minutes to ruin it. While communicating with colleagues and friends, partners and clients, we remember that the Company's image is the reflection of our words, actions and decisions.
6. We are together since we are a team.
In a good team, every its member has his or her own place. We unite our knowledge, experience and craftsmanship – and together we can achieve more than each individually. We are different and unlike. Sometimes we argue with each other. But then we can do something together that no one has so far done yet!
7. To show respect to the elderly, be in strict subordination to the heads of subdivisions and higher management.
8. Show respect for the partners and those around you - never be late and be strictly punctual.
The confidential and commercial secret of the Corporation is strictly secret.
9. Please keep in mind that the reputation of the Corporation depends on your behaviour with those around you, the relationships with the partners, and any of your actions.
In all the circumstances, react to any actions from the outside decently displaying a high level of culture and upbringing. The relationships must be built at a high moral and ethical level.
10. The postulate A lair is the most terrible person, and the best day is today must be our shining beacon, too.
11. Never do things by halves. World wars, revolutions, catastrophes - no force major events can prevent us from being steady in our purpose. Please remember that endurance is the reverse side of impetuosity, i.e. one of the basic principles on the way to success.
Learn to be patient. It gives power over the fate.
Patience is the key to your satisfaction and satisfaction of those living with you.
12. The main law of the Corporation DINAZ is If someone is affected by force majeure (criminal prosecution, severe illness, etc), the other will not leave him or her behind.
Mutual support, team spirit, and sincere friendship are the distinctive and characteristic features of our Corporation.
13. The Corporation DINAZ and we, each individually, as its constituents must strive for our prosperity and perfection.
Be aware that plans without actions are nothing but just dreams.
Only action communicates force, happiness and purpose to life.
14. Our Corporation and you personally will face thousands of solutions, but only one of them will be correct.
To make a correct decision, use a winged phrase by A. Pushkin: Accept praise and slander indifferently and do not argue with a fool.
15. In the family and in business forget about such concepts as claims, reproaches, and hysterics. Things must be said and done. If something is not done – accept the punishment. This will be the basis in striving to become a leader and enjoy well-deserved recognition.
16. The characteristic features of our Corporation’s symbols, i.e. hope, strong faith, unbending will, courage, force, confidence and resoluteness, are the distinctive features of our Corporation.
Therefore, the representatives of our Corporation must be able to make a daring decision and take a justified risk. The spiritual strength, pursuance of the goal to be sought, prosperity, and self-fulfilment are the only key to Success.
17. The representatives of the Corporation DINAZ must be optimistic, have a strong faith in the future. The above must become the characteristic feature of the Corporation’s representatives.
Optimism is like a mountain avalanche, i.e. it pushes aside all the obstacles on the way.
18. Work day by day keeping your life in balance.
There is only one way to success, i.e. through hard work.
19. Also, take as the basis the saying of the wise men I will take the reward for granted, and an obstacle – as a challenge of the fate. I will accept the first one with pleasure and will overcome the second one.
Any obstacles on your way are just another step to your success. A myriad of obstacles which you will overcome will result in your triumph.
Think of all the obstacles and problems in your life as your friends and assistants. Going through difficulties makes you much stronger, wiser, and more experienced; helps you harden your spirit and unbending will.
20. Never forget that you have less time than you think you have. Live and make the death be your partner, but do not fear it.
If you die, you will be with the God; if you survive, the God will be with you.
21. Generosity is a distinctive and characteristic feature of our Corporation. A man cannot be noble if it is not his way to be generous.
The Corporation DINAZ is the endless source of energy. No matter what, the Corporation DINAZ will rise like a phoenix from its ashes. The motto of the Corporation DINAZ is The road will rise to meet the one who walks it. Through space and time we will rush into infinity; therein lies the strength of the Corporation DINAZ.
DINAZ is the energy of your motion.
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