Logotype of the Corporation DINAZ
The logotype of the Corporation DINAZ symbolises a fireproof mass which under the influence of high temperatures (several thousand degrees) and contact with white-hot metal becomes hundredfold stronger and sturdier, turns into a solid mass ready for any trials. Siberia’s cold temperatures, white-hot metal – these are the natural states of the Corporation DINAZ. The state of working, business transactions, the splashes of metal, the hurricane of fire – this is what characterises the logotype of the Corporation DINAZ.
The brick enveloped in flames symbolises the work, line of activity and business of the Corporation DINAZ as well as personifies its philosophy, endurance and strength in difficulties and trials. Next to the name DINAZ there is a figure composed of heraldic spindles and a bezant. It is part of the logotype of the Corporation DINAZ. Spindles also symbolise entrepreneurial spirit and diligence. A bezant is a symbol of prosperity and abundance.
The fireball inside the spindles is the fire burning in a blast furnace. No matter what happens, the ball is always fiery - an inexhaustible source of energy. The harder we are treated, the stronger we become. This is the symbol of success, spiritual strength and unbreakable will. Through space and time we will reach for the infinity; therein lies the power of the logotype of the Corporation DINAZ.
The Corporation DINAZ will rise like a mythological bird Phoenix from the ashes and reach for the infinity - it is the inexhaustible source of energy.
The motto of the Corporation DINAZ is: the road will rise to meet the one who walks it.
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